Friday, November 19, 2021

Collected wizard pics

By collected I mean stolen



Thursday, May 28, 2020

Beyond the Red Door, the Legacy of the Dark Lands

The following is an endeavor to in part categorize and transcribe the Blind Guardian albums "Beyond the Red Door" and "The Legacy of the Dark Lands" respectively, and, wherein possible, discern the principle characters and plots.

It is the belief of the writer of this paper that they to an extent tell the same story, but from differing perspectives, one of an external hero figure brought in to intercede, and one from an internal hero figure condemned to relive cycles of the same events.

The Ninth Wave

Lux in Tenebris
*(Light in Darkness)
Lux et Veritas
*(Light and Truth)
Ultima Latere Phala
(Hidden in the ultimate reaches of the wooden tower)
Luxit Aeternum
*(Shining to Eternity)
Angeli Nova
*(Angel of Nova)
Vivere Discordia
 *(Living/(Long live?) Discordia)
Utopia / Discordia / Dystopia / Discordia

Lux in Tenebris
*(Light in Darkness)
Lux et Veritas
*(Light and Truth)
Ultima Latere Phala
(Hidden in the ultimate reaches of the wooden tower)
Luxit Aeternum
*(Shining to Eternity)
Angeli Nova
*(Angel of Nova)
Vivere Discordia
 *(Living/(Long live?) Discordia)

Utopia / Discordia / Dystopia / Discordia

As dark night embraces
We are the nation
I will cleanse all your thoughts
We will cleanse them all
Now, my children
For the sake of our nation
Let us carry on
(When dark night embraces)
In glory
When dark night embraces
We are the nation
Be my fellow men
We will wipe them out
Let there be light
For the sake of our nation
Precious and bright
When dark night embraces

When dark night embraces
My mind

A twisted plan
After all
Despite all burden
Life has grown
And though the curse is still alive
We will survive

File 664 *(is it all a simulation? What is File 664?)

(#/different voice)

The golden age's vanished and more
The ingenious knight knows it's over
He no longer denies there's a real me
He'll be disgraced

(#/different voice:)
Burnt and sealed
They may end
As we will rule the world
Defeat the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave
Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Along with the final wave
The final wave
We will rise

[Verse 2]
(#/different voice:)
Burn them all, bring the damned
There's a price to pay
Burn them all, bring the damned
Do as I command
Our praise and triumph will grow
We'll defy the Nine
Delete the dying old Crow
To Muriel's fire, walk with me
Down to the Abaddon
Will you walk with me to the Sheol?
Good or bad we all meet the Abaddon
Take a look and you see it's all the same

Exterminate them
Exterminate them

[Verse 3]
An evil revelation
A wicked thought
Denied by their savior
They all prayed for
There are no gods
So no one can save them
#/choir and solo split/
They will redeem Belial
They will unite them all
Then many men will fall
When they will heed the call
So they'll be free
Before the final curtain falls

(#Verse 2's voice:)
Bring the cursed
Bring the damned
As we will rule the world
They'll seek the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn!

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave
Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Reborn as Aeon Gods
As Aeon Gods

We'll break through!

[Verse 4]
Further down you'll walk with me
Down to seal Avalon
Will you walk with me to the fire?
Further down we come to seal Avalon
Take a look and you see it's all the same


There is no real salvation
We will wipe them out
And nothing remains here
As we don't need salvation
We will not fade
Forever we'll stay here
Screams come from the inside
The king is gone, but
This war is not over

(#/different voice:)
Burnt and sealed
They may end
As we will rule the world
Defeat the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave
Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Along with the final wave
The final wave

We will rise

Utopia / Discordia / Dystopia / Discordia

Lux in Tenebris
*(Light in Darkness)
Lux et Veritas
*(Light and Truth)
Ultima Latere Phala
(Hidden in the ultimate reaches of the wooden tower)
Luxit Aeternum
*(Shining to Eternity)
Angeli Nova
*(Angel of Nova)
Vivere Discordia
 *(Living/(Long live?) Discordia)

Twilight of the Gods

How've they dared to be
Such misguided creatures
How've they dared to be
Of such evil nature
Spiral up to doors all sealed
No turning back
Red door to Discordia

Steal the stars
Deceive the day
A sign of evil
They're gone with a final warning

Witness the twilight of the gods
Will they ever return
A storm will take us
And then wipe us out
There's no retreat

We're trapped in twilight
While the gods will drowse
Gods will drowse
They'll wait and sleep
Until a new dawn'll save us from the dark
The damage's done
The king is gone

[Verse 2]
There is war
Wherever I'll roam
Gods will come and
Gods will go
The spinning wheel keeps turning

Now get up
Lay down your ancient faith
We're the chosen ones
Come feel the change

A way
Let me show a new way
When you dare to walk with me
Bow down
And surrender

The old gods

Black or white
To me it's grey
A sign of evil
I'll hail all these non-believers

Witness the twilight of the gods
Will they ever return
A storm will take us
And then wipe us out
There's no retreat

[Verse 3]
Deliver your gods
They shall be slain
I'm their fallen son
Don't be afraid

A way
Let me show a new way
When you're going to walk with me
As one
We're infernal

What's going up
It will come down
We're here to change
There's war in Discordia

Sure as death
We all must fade
A sign of evil
Now reach for a new horizon

Witness the twilight of the gods
Will they ever return
A storm will take us
And then wipe us out
There's no retreat


I can see a crow
On your judgement day
Seems like a sermon
Please come over
Don't come over
Please come over
Welcome the last day of our lives

I will break the circle
Walls, I'll tear them down
And guilt will break the silence
But there is no return
No return
We shall overcome

We will bring you back
To a moment in time
We will reveal and detect
What you are
Precious truth in a cage
It has been captured but safe
And there we'll bind it and
Blind it with lies

The king will come
World will come undone

He is the center of creation
The prophecy
It's a promise to us all

A crow, a storm
Shadows will be rising soon
A crow, a storm
The Nine sing
Once upon a dream ago
We're the ones you've left alone

Now, as we speak
There's a way
There's a door
Come find us
And join us
Come see it and feel it

Doors in and out
You shall be falling
Your mind's still trapped in twilight
Now, catch a glimpse
Shall I get through
They've walked on
To the other side
But how could I know?
I'm drowning
Where do I belong?
Drown in shadows
I am the center of creation
They prophecy
It's a promise to us all

A crow, a storm
Shadows will be rising soon
A crow, a storm
The Nine sing
Once upon a dream ago
We're the ones you've left alone

Don't blame me
Don't blame me
It's my lying toad
The Crow and the Hare
They've moved
Further into the unknown

Mark my words
They will be gone
You'll see them playing games, my dear
They've moved along
Cause one day in the afterlife
We'll meet again
They've frowning
On your judgement day
They are shadows
They're in the center of creation
They prophecy
It's a promise to us all

A crow, a storm
Shadows will be rising soon
A crow, a storm
The Nine sing
Once upon a dream ago
We're the ones you've left alone

But don't be afraid
There's war beyond the red door
And please ignore their pleas
Just break the seal
Break the seal, find the red door
There's a red
There's a red
There's a fed door
Break the seal, find the red door

The eternal
The infernal
The eternal
We shall better get him back
The eternal
The infernal
The eternal
Will we ever see the light again

At the Edge of Time

[Verse 1]
I step from door to door
My mind's misguided
Keep moving on and on
Was it real what I saw in the mirror?
Was it fear when the end got clearer?
Now as my time's passing by
What am I waiting for?

Who'll grant me wings to fly?
And will I have another try?
'Cause I would not miss my moment again
Yes, I would not miss this moment my friend

No one knows the answer
What could have been
The edge I still fear
The roads, they're leading nowhere
There is no end, no end
Oh gods be with me
Carry me along
In blindness I tried to march on
Mystified me
Yes, it fooled me
No surrender
Don't surrender
I hear them calling
I hear them calling
Can hear them scream
Don't be late when aeons pass
Your memories will fade
Even the purest one might fail
Here and deceive
The righteous soul
And then their world will come undone

(They burn, they bleed)
Til the savior will break through
(In between the realms they're gathered)
And from the edge of time
(Once they return)
They will save us all
Now break through

[Verse 2]
Recall the eclipse
There is none who survive
Defeat, defeat, defeat
There's no more
You've searched for the answer
The answer is creed
They're real no more
You cannot get over, no more

My light shall shine forever
The Nine beyond the wall
They're turning
They're burning
They now understand
I soon will seal all doors
Their stars won't shine here anymore
Their savior won't even try
He can't remember the truth
My words become real
And there's nothing they can do

They may follow a plan they once had
(Deeply sad)
They have chosen the wrong side
And tried to resist
All their visions and music
No longer exist
When the morrow will come
It shall all be
(In between
In between the realms
Between the realms
They might move on)
That's when all pureness dies in vain
There's no release
(The infernal lord has won)
And forevermore
Yes, forevermore

(They burn, they bleed)
Til the savior will break through
(In between the realms they're gathered)
And from the edge of time
(Once they return)
They will save us all
Now break through

[Verse 3]
Will I
Yes, will I fail to believe, my friend?
What if it's all done in vain?
Don't be afraid
Will it be me they blame?
See, it's the whole world
That I've once condemned
And I shattered it all
With a thought as it seems
But it all has been me
As the mirror has revealed
(Now reveal
Now redeem)
I will carry the storm
(The savior's coming home)
Yes, I'll carry the grail
And I'll wash away the pain

There's no release
The infernal lord has won
And forevermore
Yes, forevermore

(They burn, they bleed)
Til the savior will break through
(In between the realms they're gathered)
And from the edge of time
(Once they return)
They will save us all
Now break through

(Where do you go?
Where do you go from here?)
I don't look back
There's more in me
My hour shall come
The old gods are calling
Then straight ahead
A door appears
The tyrant must go down
That's when the ancient gods return
(They will return)

Ashes of Eternity

The hare once betrayed me and so did the fox and the crow
Just once defied me
There's me and there's space where are they?
Maybe dead no one knows
You can't defy me
Ride all along with me
There's no tomorrow
Now let me through
And wait for my command
Don't try to be cruel
Oh, my beautiful child
But how can you try to redeem the past?
It's not real as it seems now ride on your wave
And get back to that place
Scratch deeper and deeper
And soon I will be on my own
The gods will ignore your end (they'll defend the elder)
The lords won't salute you
The saints they won't save you they'll defend their guardian
The savior won't heal your soul
No man's world it's the ides of march
Then from the ashes of eternity
(A new spirit will rise) a new order shall take over
Now raise the flag
The war seems over
And bow your head
At dawn they shall be murdered
Woes, I will not complain
The further you get
The closer's the end, dear
But now
I will try
Come and see
That things are not what they may seem
It's all written down
The savior lies bleeding
But he won't surrender
The scriptures don't lie
He'll be turned around
No one to blame
It all goes down
The gods will ignore your end (they'll defend the elder)
The lords won't salute you
The saints they won't save you
The savior won't heal your soul (they'll defend their guardian)
Now go and get Your holy grail
And don't forget
Just once you'll cross the border
Now let the saints The saints come marching in
Whatever you'll do Do it fast
My sweet son of decay
Now let the saints The saints come marching in
Transform You may pass Rearrange it
Now change to betray
I won't lie
While bright eyes are turning pale
Your sands run low
Your light shines
My last try
It'll soon be over
No sign shall be given for ages and more
You may enter first
But from now you will be on your own
The gods will ignore your end (they'll defend the elder)
The lords won't salute you
The saints they won't save you (they'll defend their guardian)
The savior won't heal your soul
You're getting your grail
But there's no place to go
Longing for a new shore
Eastern winds they blow cold
The saints you will bring them down
The savior won't take the crown
Let my spirit fly (Let it fly)

Distant Memories

Now Storm come closer
Can feel you're getting near
Just stay invisible till its over
But still they don't know
They're just caught in distant memories
Then these fools will fade away
They may not fear the fall
They won't be anymore
I hear their silent singing
We don't fear anymore
We don't fear him
Now don't come closer
Stand still
Don't interfere
Don't move or things go wrong
We're trapped in twilight
Trapped in the mind of a sacrificial king
And the sun won't shine here anymore
I curse the Crow
Dear old friend
And when the time is right for changes
We will salute you
And a new age may begin
But still they don't know
Theyre just caught in distant memories
Then these fools will fade away
They may not fear the fall
When all the magic is gone
No need to carry it along
Whatever the cost
It will not be redeemed
And whatever may come
It will not bring, relief
In the mirror
They may fail to see
What is real behind
Them it ends
And there is no return
They will go down
They all will have to drown
Out of the dark
Into the grey
These fools will fade away
No matter what
I've come to say
These fools will fade away
A storm comes closer
Can feel you're getting near?
Just stay invisible, you're no savior
But still they don't know
They're just caught in distant memories
Then these fools will fade away
They may not fear the fall
I know they reach out for someone
Reach out for the great unknown
But still they don't know
They're just caught in distant memories
Then these fools will fade away
They may not fear the fall
They've thought
It is time for changes
We will salute you
Moved on to the promised land
We will salute you
Now let it begin
They've found a new god

Holy Grail

[Verse 1]
We, together
Change the world forever
What a cheerful sound
Synchronize me
Supervise me, mother
No more fooling around
Whatever may come
It shall be from the ashes
He shall rise, I know
And though it hurts me
Don't be surprised, dear mother
Longing to see his end
Don't call it
Hopelessly insane
I go and grasp the grail
But in a graceful way
Illegally, my aim
The grail will cross the border now
Don't tell me that you're innocent
Don't tell me it's divinely ordained by the saints
My demons, my saviors
I weep for all of them
Suffered in vain
My wayward son, you might disturb me
Carry the flame
Till dying embers will stop gleaming

There on the battlefield she sings
Praise, hallelujah
The Holy Grail's on its way now
Magna eterna
Magna eterna sings
Your journey's over
The Holy Grail's on its way now

[Verse 2]
Do as it's foreseen
Come and meet the king
There's no choice
For the word it must be
Real, my righteous brother
Fear you soon will know
So, on the fourteenth day passover
He took the firstborn sons
Execute him and now act as
Judas, the chosen one
So after all, in vain
I've met him and found the grail
Cause in a skillful way
I'll change to keep alive
Eternal lie, I'll be the one
Key to life, be the eclipse
Voices from the river Styx
Come to be the Nemesis
Kiss of death
Crucifix and the grail
I've traveled far on hidden pathways
The Holy Grail
Who would have thought that I will hold it
The Holy Grail


[Verse 3]
Don't tell me that you're innocent
Don't tell me that there is a chance to be free
The grail's sent, my way ends
I creep along with the shadows
And resurrected
He comes marching in
There he is
Good lord forgive my sins
Once I've crossed the river Styx
At Sheol's gate, I know
Key to the apocalypse
I have sealed it with a kiss
Nothing that I want to do
Hades is calling
Wake the witch, who'll be the brave one?
Don't say what he's like
Full of voices comes the ninth wave
Don't say what it's like
Beyond the door


Norns are howling
Norns are prowling

The Throne

[Verse 1]
Get him off the throne
Moreover he's not in control no longer
The King will come, it's over
The game goes on
Someone's waiting on the other side
Trying to get over
Got to be in this hour
There on the other side
We know that someone keeps waiting
Don't you know your enemy?
Don't you know you're damned?
Release the beast
Set it free
I've come to tell you once more
Don't let him break this seal
But let me tell you once more
Peace shall come

We must serve the fire
We must confess we are liars
There must be something in the end
We're the curse
Got to feed it
We must serve the fire
Determination (x3)
Blame the light
For all must burn down in the end

We must serve the fire
It's a curse we are all bound
We must serve the fire

[Verse 2]
Give us shelter from the storm
Give us hope
Give us shelter from the storm
Give us hope
Curse the wind
A storm from the north
Comes to divide us
Will deny us
To break your king
These were dark lands
In a dead world
We brought it into light
A union of the land and king
It's a new world
It is new land
But it ends here
In the here and now
Another failure once again
We will not believe in any word you may say
We will not believe in any word you may say
Now we can see the enemy
I've come to tell you once more
It's me, I hold the key
But let me tell you once more
Peace shall come


[Verse 3]

Curse them all
They'll tear down the wall
Come to divide us
They'll defy us
Take my throne
All I am is nothing else
What you have made me
Nothing more I am
Your vision of another god
All I know is they won't give
But they will take
Your sacred light away
And still they come to praise the damned
Can't you see?
It's your innocence they'll steal away
Yes, they're coming for you
They've come to deceive
You are betrayed
You admire these liars
They'll never fool me
We will not surrender
We won't take it no more
We will not surrender
We won't take it anymore
We'll break the seal and set 'em free
I've come to tell you once more
As I will now reveal
But let me tell you once more
Peace is gone


Blame the light
Blame the night
Day and night
Black and white
Take a look at yourself
There is nothing to fear no more
There is nothing to fear no more

Sacred Mind

[Verse 1]
Could not break the silence
Could not move in here
How can they stay so silent?
All the grief and violence
For all they went through
For all it breaks loose
It's bursting out
Fire, walk with me
Fire, walk with me
The will is strong
Can I show you Fear?
Don't move
Don't turn
Don't come too close as I
Burn down this place
My spirit will set it all on fire
Would you like to meet the tyrant in the twilight zone?
Get in, don't be late
And breathe in my reality
But first break the silence
There is more
Beyond the dawn he's rising
Where darkness grows
He traveling in disguise
Now don't look back
Now you know why
We set sail to new shores
We will meet him

Sacred mind
We build a new pleasure-dome here
My Xanadu
My Xanadu

[Verse 2]
Don't look back, just enter
What I call my soul asylum
Where they are playing tricks
If you like to see
Whatever lies beyond that golden door
It seems
My frequency's turned weak
Try to remember me
Try to remember me
Then for a while
We've heard the sounds of sirens
You turn to stone
Medusa's in your sight
I tell you why
Rearranged by the ages gone by
You can change it

[Chorus] [x2]

[Verse 3]
Chance or predestined end
Praise, hallelujah
Never mind the end
Fool them all
Fear the demon in disguise
Keep your secret inside
Let's move on, it's time
A thousand years gone by
The pleasure-dome
What will we hear
And what will we see
All a lie
There's no boat
There's no river
No shore
Journey's over

Miracle Machine

When they are coming
Give us guidance
For they are calling
To erase the damned
Yet, after all they praise the coming
To erase the damned
They will return
Now let me take you to the other side
Turn off the light and let it grow

They will set it on fire
They come to fool us all

They are slaves to the Fire, you know

Their fire must grow
They have to feed it

We must believe in something
That I would call a miracle
The grail will break the final seal
We must believe in something
A miracle, a miracle machine
We just hide it secretly

No belief, no belief, no belief
Give us what we need

Betrayed by the Nine
I've learned to love the shadows
And now they're coming home
That's why I need you on the other side

And then we, we may carry another light
I summon from the inside, deeper insight

They don't belong here
Though they claim they're right
Let it grow

Turn off the light
Let reason grow

They will set it on fire
They come to fool us all

They are slaves to the Fire, you know

Their fire must grow
They have to feed it

We must believe in something
That I would call a miracle
The grail will break the final seal
We must believe in something
A miracle, a miracle machine
We just hide it secretly

For they are coming
Give us guidance

Grand parade, Choice 1

Let this game begin
Watch, my children
Watch me, you've all come to die
For this battle is lost
Losing their minds
Losing their souls (hush, now hush)

We don't talk
We don't care anymore (I will seal every door)
We don't care anymore

I summon the Nine now
Confirm the alignment (can't get through?)

Carry on, you fools
Try to break free

When we fail
It's lost forever (oh)
When we fail
It's lost forever (oh)

It's not real, no reason to be here
No more fear and no more regrets
Don't look back and free your mind
Stay where you are till the sealing is over

Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the grand parade
Along we're driven
On and on, it's a grand parade
We're one, we're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this grand parade
Now join the grand parade

Don't be upset (I will seal every door)
Every now and then (seal every door)
They'll try to awake the misguided (I will seal every door)
The voices you'll hear
They will claim to be real, it's not true
Now look around
We will bring them down
The more I'll show
The less you will know
The Nine will frown
Now see how it grows
Secretly my vision comes true
It's not real
You'll hear it, you'll see it

The otherworld
The otherworld
The otherworld appears
Now round and round
We all shall lose ground
Now praise, I'm the one

We will never fear
We will never fear
We will never fear them again
Oh and here comes the son, the son

He's gone with the shadows
Along with the stars
No more gods, no more lies
No more gods, no war
We'll be free here, we are one
Our will is strong

No more lies and no more tyrants
It all becomes real when the sealing is over
Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the grand parade
Along we're driven
On and on, it's a grand parade
We're one, we're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this grand parade
Now join the grand parade
There is no return
It would be the end
We shall sing, we shall sing
Praise the day
Void, we don't fear you no more
Mother void, you can't enter no more
We don't need any hallows
We don't fear any shadows
Shadows on the wall
They're not real
Now, walk in, everyone
Here comes the sun

We will never fall
We will never fall
We will never see him again
Many, we're one
We're humanized
The time has come
This flesh is truth
This blood is real
The highest cause
It's all that we are longing for

There on the river Styx
You'll see, my friend
There on the river Styx
You'll see
They've fooled you to take it away
So no more myths
No more bliss
We are holding it in our hand
And there is nothing they can do
And so this battle ends forevermore
We don't fear anything
Nor any other race
We take control
No longer we act like fools
We're in control
Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the grand parade
Along we're driven
On and on, it's a grand parade
We're one, we're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this grand parade
Now join the grand parade
Drown one more time
While we all will say goodbye
Bright, it shines bright
Let us carry one the lie
No more lies
One more lie

Grand Parade, Choice 2

Let the games begin
Watch, my children
Watch them
They all have to die
For this battle is lost

Losing their minds
Losing their souls
Hush, now hush

We don't talk
We don't care anymore
Would he enter the door
We don't care anymore
There's no more Asylum
There is no Asylum
I would Break through
Now let me through
Try to break free
When you lose, it's gone forever
When you lose, it's gone forever

There's no harm
I will face my demons
Fear is not real
My will is strong
Walk on through
I face the tyrant
Stay where you are
Til the sealing is over

Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the Grand Parade
Along we're driven
On and on
It's a Grand Parade
We're one
We're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this Grand Parade
Now join the grand parade

All traps are set
There is only one more
Even time stands still
Just one more door
How could you forget what you came for
There is only one door
Whatever they've offered resist it and enter the door

Now don't look down
It's all going down
The judges frown
Though nobody sounds
Mark the end
The new life will grow
You may cross the end
You should know

No more tears
It's done and it's over
The other one
The other one
The other one will come

Without a sound
It all will go down
All hail to the one

He shall better fail
He shall better fail
He shall better fail
Here again

Oh hail to the one
The one
Along with the shadows
They finally come

We are one
We're the nine

You're the last
The circle's now close here

Things may change,
But stay the same
Welcome back
Ignore our warning
Stay where you are
Til the sealing is over

Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the Grand Parade
Along we're driven
On and on
It's a Grand Parade
We're one
We're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this Grand Parade
Now join the Grand Parade

Now it all must burn
We have reached the end

Reach the end
Reach the end

Face the end

Sounds like a sermon no more
There is nothing as real as the end

I'm not real I'm a shadow
What you fear is a shadow
A shadow on the wall
Writhing proudly, I'm calling
Bring him down

Here comes the sun

Will we ever see
Will we ever see
Will we ever see with the damned

We are the ones
The chosen one
No Holy son

I'm all there is
There's nothing more
And I hold praise with every dying breath

There on the river Styx
You'll see, my friend
There on the river Styx
You'll see
They've fooled you
To take it away

So what is this
One more twist
It's getting out of hand
And there is nothing we can do

You've solved this riddle but forevermore
You've murdered innocence
There's nothing left you'll see

There is no truth

It's life turned wicked and cruel
You'll be alone

Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the Grand Parade
Along we're driven
On and on
It's a Grand Parade
We're one
We're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this Grand Parade
Now join the Grand Parade

Drown one more time
While we all will say goodbye
Bright it shines bright
Let us carry on the lie
No more lies, No more lies
No more lies, No more lies
One more lie

The Gathering

"Imago dei
*(The image of god)
The meaning stays hollow and vague
Encrypted are these words of old
It is a play
An incensation for foolish dreamers
This age of not knowing is endless
Its reign is eternal"

"Thus, there is a way
There must be"
"Disgraceful suffering
That might be to their liking"

"I was promised truth
But our league is broken"

"Your passion for these
These earth creepers
It is beyond compare
They still insist on blaming me
Though it is him
Who stole the light"

"I believed in the power of the Throne
Yes, we once were protectors
But that is long gone by
We are myth
Not more than a myth"

Curse the world
For what we are
Is what we are
Our true nature is not of matter
Resistance shall be thine"

"Your wish
It shall be granted
This battle is not over, yet"

War Feeds War

This phantom thought divides us
The fearsome warriors
A god so jealous
Obscures the great divine
This pain is endless
This world's insane
This war is fed by war
Since fate is in love with hate
The seventh sign reveals the end
When death aligns with mars
My friend
There once was a time
We rode side by side
But now it's gone
War feeds war
Behold there's
A pale horse
The fourth appears
Meet old father death
Furthermore down
They'll drag me down
Furthermore down
I'll bring them down
And then for a moment
It seemed
They could survive
Seven seals, we're all blind
Will it ever be the same?
Will I touch this final flame?
Will I be on my own?
Or is there anyone
Who knows?
Is there knowledge?
How can I pass this gate?
Be aware and now awake
In oblivion
They all come crawling
The black swarm crawls in
From beyond
The ancient foe descends

Comets and Prophecies

"All heavens dressed in black, and the church is not of help here

Yet comets importing change of time and state, as the poet says

Fiery demons in the sky, they are, or angels–that's hard to judge. Like pilgrims in the skies, they roam and lurk with sparkling, rough lies. Not long, they will descend, and along with them the scourge of angry, bad, revolting stars. These signs are evil. Not conquest, but famine, then war, and finally death."

"Astrology–the highest science of all. It is a mirror of what's to come, but since the planets cannot command, will they inspire me, at least?"

"Your constellation's promising, although we all will mourn in blood"

Dark Clouds Rising

I salute you, dawn
It's a new age
Dear friends, welcome
Kings and noble men
They may not come
No one's ever seen
A brighter crowd and feast
But I feel dark clouds
Rising from the fields of misery

This road goes on
This road goes on
Forever on
Still the road goes on
Still the road goes on

And for a last time I bid farewell
And for a last time I repent
It is the road calling again
No further grief beyond that door
I'm on my way
Out of the dark
Let's hold on to the dream
The wind will
Lead us over yonder and astray
But I feel dark clouds rising
The road goes on
And on and on and on...

Now it's your turn
Search for the great unknown
You might lose it
Don't forget it
For there is truth to find
Beyond the walls of sleep
What I believe
I cannot prove yet
Winding roads lead straight ahead
What does it all mean to me?
You need advice
You have to face this
I will take you to places
You would not like to be
Meet a fearsome enemy
Terrible and dark
Behold that foe is near

No time to lose
It lies before and behind
My burden, I will carry it along
This road goes on and on
But you shall not walk alone
For friends you'll meet on your way
Good spirits follow your ways

Am I trapped in lies?
Who can tell me?
Will things go wrong?
What the future holds
The stars may know
Somewhere out
There must be freedom
There must be
But I feel dark clouds rising
From the crypt of history

This road goes on
This road goes on
Forever on
Still the road goes on
Still the road goes on

The Ritual

(Spoken entirely)
# Joost:
As I salute you
I recruit you
No more games, my friend
According to your virtues
I may use you
You'll be at my command
And I will send you straight to hell

# The Conjurer:
Magic spells
Unholy tricks
There's thrice to mine
And thrice to shine
It's threefold six
At river Styx
While you may find
The world goes blind
Then hand in hand
You shall descend

In The Underworld

They'll burn in hell

Do you think what you have done was clever?
I cannot say but I know for sure
They're cursed by the infinite thought

They're all the same made of one clay
Born to obey

Look, there he comes
Inflamed but unharmed

We're greed, we're gore
Eternal war
We praise the golden king

All will end
Where the sun is silent
You're lost in the valley of sin

Precious, young, in bloom
Heed the call of doom

Meet yourself
Release your demons... (repeated several times as a mantra)

I know this place
Been here before
And every word
That you may speak again

You've crossed the line
There's no return
And there's no way out

Of the underworld
Over there

We're all blind

In the underworld
Over there

Be the light
That guides me home

Fortuneteller speaks
The presence dressed in black
With a twisted sight
It's hard to say
What lies ahead

The future will be past
But all of your sins shall last

The path lies clearly
In front of you
Repent to get out
Now pass
Just conquer your inner fear
Walk on
Don't look back
A bridge appears

/evil voice/ From my bones
It shall rise

/horrified voice/ Pure evil
Greed and gluttony

/evil voice/ Envy and pride

Solemn... (repeated several times as a mantra)

(Spoken) I'll help thee
The foe escaped
You've walked this path before
But I fear you already come too late

(Sung as a repeating lament) The road goes on and on...

Oh, my precious
Here comes trouble
Overwhelming vicious things
Drown in lethal
Purest evil

Find the sacred heart
But fear the evil star
When ages gone to dust
The innocent soul will be lost

Cross the border
There is no easy way
The path lies clearly
In front of you
Seven gates
And seven deadly sins

A Secret Society

# Temple Knight:
So you return at last
And with nothing in hand
As it seems
But too late
And too little in strength
If you hoped for your friends
Though by now
You surely realized
They're gone
Not of concern, anymore
But what shall we do with you?
You appear different
Than those
We have just sent to hell

# Eve:
Our friends
They were not

# Nicholas:
Who the hell are you?

The Great Ordeal

For the day
We praise thy name all glory
For the day
We're servants of the one
Now reveal
Unfold the untold story
Now reveal
The banner of the sun

We're children of the damned
True rulers of the land
Lies and shame we've overcome
Our innocence is proved
It's evidence we hold in hand
The order's bane must end

The old order a new way...
Yes, the order's clear
Yes, the order clears the way
Yes, the order's clear
We'll keep it alive
The secret's inside
We carry the light

Welcome to the great unknown
Welcome to the great unknown
Become a light in the darkness
All evil's defeat
Be one with the storm
Be one with the war machine
Stand brave when the walls come down
Be one with destiny

Fools, don't you see
It all leads to misery
Soon we'll be free
Find release
Reclaim our integrity
Yet burnt at the stake
Their ideal's awake
It lives in us all

Sacred heart

No time for regrets
You just have to realize
Our brotherhood of man
Will come to heal these lands

Soon you may roam
Where darkness grows
Every move you make
Will lead you further
To a wondrous world
Of awe and beauty you will see

Like a drop in the water
Like a drop in the water

All is one

The soldier of creed
The temple of light
In praise of the father
All praise

Welcome to the great unknown
Welcome to the great unknown
Become a light in the darkness
All evil's defeat
Welcome to the great ordeal
Stand brave when the walls come down
Be one with the temple's law
The crucible of war

Fools, you're dismissed
You cannot get out of this
The tiding of hope
Has vanished
Like dust in the wind
Oh, we've got to keep faith
Then by the light of the day
And the grail
We will find another way
The order stays alive
It shall shine on

((Circling to The Holy Grail in the Red Mirror????))


#Bez: May I, Should I?
Do they carry something? Do they?
Have they nice, nice, niicsssssse
Yes, yes, yesssss

#Scheming old man voice: You may enter

In The Red Dwarf's Tower

Well, what I've told you
I don't know it's for sure
Don't grieve Ophelia
And try not to breathe

It's not on me to say
For I will sit here
In my tower
I don't really care for
But I fear that
There will be a bitter end

Sue Solomon Soloman sue
Sue-sue sue-sasu 
Sue Solomon Solomon sue 
Sue-sue sue-sasu

Join the last hour
Man's final hour

Here in my tower
You will be on your own
Here in my tower
You will be on your own
Here in my tower

I can sense your lies
Cause I control your mind
It's such a strange delight
No doubt
You must be blind

Now move on forwards
You're dead end crawlers
You dead crawlers
You're dead
Now move on forwards
You dead end crawlers

I can sense your lies
Cause I control your mind
It's such a strange delight
No doubt
You must be blind

#Scheming Old Man: Do you not see the dwarf
Dressed in red

#Bez: Go back
Before the nothingness
Will take you
Be brave
Or he'll fool you all

(Sung by chorus during solo stanza following) All that matters
It won't matter
Let it shatter

(Sung solo stanza while chorus above goes) There is calm before the storm
The moment of the gnome
Is a never-ending crime
It's a never-ending lie
Let it shatter
The eyes of Ra gaze blindly
Worlds fade to black then
The faceless Lord comes down

Sue Solomon Soloman sue
Sue-sue sue-sasu 
Sue Solomon Solomon sue 
Sue-sue sue-sasu

The end of light
Is not the end of all time
Not the end of all things
You should know

You wouldn't believe
You surely would
What I've searched
What I've found

No need to know
Who's to blame

Come recognize my power
No longer deny me
Bow down
There's no need to pray

For you surely fall

There is no surrender

Now please the red dwarf
Yes the red dwarf

First, I was a little insecure
But I don't think
That anyone or anything
Can ever be like me
Like me

I might be your darkest nightmare
I might carry deepest truth
I might be your deepest nightmare
I may be your doom

(chorus, sung during following solo) All that matters
Let it shatter
Let it shatter
It won't matter

Is a never-ending crime
It's a never-ending lie
Let it shatter

(Solo, sung during above chorus) There is science
There are rules
Redemption is for fools
Resolve the spell
Don't break it
World's dressed in black when
The faceless Lord comes down

Sue Solomon Soloman sue
Sue-sue sue-sasu 
Sue Solomon Solomon sue 
Sue-sue sue-sasu

#Man burning things?: 
I'd like to put it clear
In saying
You're all to burn
I just make up that pyre
To free you
From this burden
And your guilt
And guilt there is
In everyone
It's too late for her
I have to admit
Others will die
I think
Your choice

Choice there's no choice
In dark lands
And evil and sorrow
Will come out of this

(Sung altogether) Where do we go from here?
Where will it end?
Is there anyone who knows?
How can we survive?

Just be aware
How stillness grows
Empty words
Can't fill this silence
All meaning is hollow
And vague

(Chorus during latter solo) Sigh in my tower

(Solo during above chorus) From the ashes
Still I'm afraid
There's nothing
You'll soon be dead

(Bouncy, cheerful bell musical interlude)

Into The Battle

#Nicholas: Your wish is granted, Tahmina
Thousands of them
They're here for your command
The enemy is at hand
But there
Look at him...
Since we have left the tower
He has... changed vastly
I knew he could
But would he?


Beyond the pale horizon
Far from this dark place
There lies our hope

Not yet awake

A saving grace
A sleeping giant

Death is near
All dressed in white
Show no fear
Redeem your prize
For our wrath
Shall come upon our foe

There's no flame
Without a spark

Yes, we're blessed indeed
By the newborn star
Oh, behold a newborn star
Oh, behold a newborn star

There is war at hand

For my last command
Stand brave
Stand tall
We must defend
I call to arms
This is my final stand

Let the earth move for a while

We're defying gravity
Now everybody
It's death or glory
Don't let them
Put a spell on you

Somehow, somehow
There's no one there
Cross the water
For they cannot cross the border

Free will we shall defend
For there's more to lose
This is what we are
The intruder is near
This is all we are
And we defy you

There is war at hand
Follow me
My valiant friends
Then side by side
We march again
This is the anthem of the lost
And damned

Don't know
Which way to go?
No one can say
No one knows

Between the Realms

Hurry up

# Nicolas:
What is this place?
Where is this place?
When is this place?

# Voice:
It's nowhere safe but here
You're caught between the realms
Nicolas, listen
There is a strong wall
It consists a magic of old
There are many gates unguarded
Seed of an unholy union
Reborn whore of Babylon
Fulfills the ancient prophecy
And her power is increasing

# Nicolas:
But is there anything I can do?

# Voice:
You better be swift!

Twilight Of The Gods

#Sung of Nicolas by others?? 
Oh, he's movin' on coming home
Oh, he's movin' on coming home
He's been away too long
(Do I get any nearer)
(Do I get any nearer)

#Nicolas himself singing??
My intention's good, unleash the beast
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up
At least I'm trying
My mind, it tends to slip away
(This might be your last chance)
Search wisdom in a mad man's gaze

Faces and places
(Far, far away)
Dark ages and pages
(It's all revealed to me)
Yet everything, it shall go down

#Different voice and tone:
Ages will go by, there's no sound

The storm's gone by, this supernova
Defines a golden age
The dawning of a second sun
Will mark my dying day

Like a rolling stone
Let your senses roam
To another world
While the chains are on

#Different voice and tone, character encouraging breaking the cycle?

Find this precious stone
Do not wait, my son
Leave this world you know
Find the key to be free!!!

Will it ever be the same
Their bliss is gone away, free!!!
It will never be the same
They are a dying race 

Oh, I'm marching on, carry on

#Different voice:
This world will fade to grey, it's going down
Going down

#Hopeful voice? Or liar?:
Come along, come along with me
(We'll leave the ashes)
Come along, just follow me
We will meet the wizard
Come along, come along with me
He's the bearer of light
Come along, come along with me
He's the one to believe

#Voice of a warrior:
While I head into the storm
There's no need to walk alone
Nor will I be on my own
Cause he will be the one I know

Entangled forevermore
These wars we fight
Conceal all light
That's what I'm here for

Oh, I wonder why
I wonder how it all turned wrong
Somehow, I fear all magic's gone

#Reveal voice:
You now conceive

#Grandiose choir:
This is the point of no return
Rise or fall of the old gods
This is the point of no return
Rise or fall again

#Dark voice
I've come for blood, it's likely
That most of you despise me
The pharaoh's long gone
Now let my kingdom come

Yes, I'm the one who's sown the seven plagues
Now grow
#Responding voice:
This deed means trouble
#Dark voice:
Make sure there's no more magic, but black magic
No one else should know
We must obstruct their ways discretely

#Different voice, manipulator:
Take hold of the flame
Take part in my revenge
Now enter the storm
Take hold of the flame
And the bell chimes no more

#Harsh voice:
It's time to kill the spark and
I think it's time to kill them all

Oh, watch the trial of men has begun
It has begun

#Different voice, spreading religions:
We'll make them believe
Our reign lasts forevermore
No guiding light
No sacred life
The secret eye knows

Wake up, my friend now
Wake up, my friend now
The second sun appears
A new breeze, a new dawn, a new day
Tell them all

#Grandiose choir:

This is the point of no return
Rise or fall of the old gods
This is the point of no return
Rise or fall again

This is the point of no return
Rise or fall of the old gods
This is the point of no return
Rise or fall again

#Manipulative Old Man:

You think therefore you are
Now lay down your head and drowse
This silence will comfort you
So don't break this silence

#Gods on the Run:

We're gods on the run
We're gods on the run


I think therefore I am and
I'll enlighten you
But I fear that it's over now

The White Horseman

He was drowning in an overwhelming weakness, he could not overcome. When suddenly the red sun seemed to transform from a pale shimmering face into a black hole, drawing, carrying him further and further away. There, deep in the safe lap of insanity, he began to realize that the blackness started to lose intensity and by that gave sight to something he did not comprehend at first glimpse. Yet, it felt very familiar, just as gazing into a mirror. That being that had taken shape was dress in white and was mounted on a white horse – a white horseman.


Be aware
There's someone else inside
Nocturnal eyes are on the prey

You should realize
It's not on you
To turn this page
Just do as I say

Something is wrong here
But I don't know what it is
Still sense there's evil on its way

It's the twist of Fate again

So walk with me
When the fire comes down
Fallen angel – son of man
Find a way
A glimmer of hope
Sail away
On the river of dreams
Save the age of innocence
Find a way
Redeem our souls

Still the clouds will burst
When fire breaks open the sky

If you all laid cold
Dead in barren lands
Would you understand
This life's been more than anything

Life's a dream
A dream
A dream
But who's the dreamer?
One day you'll understand

A lie
Yet, no one knows
This road
One day you'll surely understand

This road's a lie
Yet no-one knows
Release the beast
We're all condemned
This road
This road reveals the great unknown

To speak the truth
We're all condemned
This road
It is your blood on my hands

It all goes down and
There's nothing I can really do

The great divide
No bridge there's no path
I've been there over yonder
There's no ending of the road

So walk with me
When the fire comes down
Fallen angel – son of man
Find a way
A glimmer of hope
Sail away
On the river of dreams
Save the age of innocence
Find a way
Redeem our souls

When the clouds will burst
A new age begins
When the clouds will burst
Shall healing rain come

This road misleads us
You should know

This road
For aeons we have been condemned
This road
Oh, there's blood on my hand
Brother, dear

So walk with me
When hell fire breaks loose
Saving grace, old nephilim
Redeem our souls
Redeemer of souls
Come walk with us
When hellfire breaks loose
Saving grace, old nephilim
Come walk with me
When hellfire breaks loose
Saving grace
Redeem our souls
Redeemer of souls

Trial and Coronation

"Eve, leader of the Cherubim, protector of light and stars, guardian of the netherworld, bearer of wisdom; thy road shall find an end. Now come the days of The Queen. I crown thee in the True Name of the Faceless and thy Father. Behold: The Queen."

((**Here the two albums directly intersect; the Edge of Time and Harvester of Souls share the same leif motifs and protagonists**))

Harvester of Souls

I'm wondering who you are
I've been a blind man
Though I have come too far
To fail again

Yes, I believed I was more
I could heal her
Here in the dark
All her words turned clearer
Now as my time passes by
What would you do for me?

I'm the last
#Eve And Nicolas: 
But soon I won't be
There's nowhere else to roam
I lived so many lives

#Dark Voice: It's over again

Why am I still here?
It's you, oh, my fallen friend
Nothing can save me
I'm lost in his tower
Unlimited power
A universe (it will die my dear)

This stillness reminds me
Oh, it's too late now
Things are moving on
You're close now
So much closer
The leaves are falling
The leaves are falling

Dead leaves they fall below me
The world that we know
It ends
It's end is near

#Different voice 
The seed's conceived
Newborn shadows in the dark
Just remember it
Just remember it's

The secret bloom
The harvester of souls
Guardian of the Netherworld

#Manipulating old man:
Will you fulfill this last order, my dear?
The harvester's calling
A voice so severe
It will come down
It will come down

And there's no one left but me
There's no way I can bind you
Yes, there is no one left on the field
Yet, all the fools they still believe

We're running away
There's nothing to say
A cosmic revolution
They're driven insane
We're bleeding the same
That's heaven's evolution

They bleed, bleed, bleed
For the order
They follow their leader
They follow their leader
They follow their leader
They follow the final command

#Red Dwarf
So bizarre
It is lifeless
We won't comprehend this sacred heartbeat
It's the source of all evil in man

No need to condemn this
It's how nature has planned it
Will we ever know?
Will we ever know?
Will we ever know?

No one believes
It won't matter anymore
I cannot recall
I cannot recall

The sacred light
Won't shine here anymore
Guardian of the Netherworld

If I went back
Ancient warrior
Would I believe
That we've failed the plan
We're all fooled the same

Go, where do you go?
Where do you go?
Cursed, we've been deceived

The winter king's crowned
War is coming to town
Most wondrous things revealed

Off the window falls (May 23rd, they will shiver)
A miracle indeed
We have to feed
Sacred defender
The angel of war

When the sun betrays
The mystic mind
The empire falls by the blink of an eye
A lie, and everyone dies
A lie, everybody must die

Dead eyes
Oh, dead eyes
They stare
They search for
The final frontier

Beyond the spheres
They lurk and wait

Nothing has changed ever since
Man has fallen from grace
They love to be damned
For sure there's no master plan

Do you understand
There will be no second chance
When will you learn?
When will you understand?
When will you know?

Now kill the king
Silver bullet on it's way
No, I don't regret
No, I don't regret

Your sacred eyes
They're closed forevermore
Guardian of the Netherworld

#Chorus and voice
Just don't look back
And don't regret
What a fool you have been
A miracle

The golden king
The enemy
The harvester's coming
It all must end
Here and now

Conquest Is Over

#Nicolas: "My love-"
#Eve: "Nicholas? How- joyous. How long have I been dreaming?"
#Nicolas: "Not long, my love, but- think of it no longer."
#Eve "Did you find it? THAT HEART OF MINE?"
#Nicolas: "What is this foul whispering?"
#Eve: "Still kept a secret eye upon you. It has been safe inside the tower's chamber."
#Nicolas: "This is not you speaking! It can't be! -... I mistook your passion for love!"
#Eve:"I fear you did. However, the conquest is over. For I LOVE THEE NOT."
#Manipulative Old man: "He is a dreamer, let him be."

This Storm

Beware, beware
Death is drawing near
You better run
You better hide
But even then
It's just a matter of time

I was not afraid
When it all began
I was picking up the pieces
When a voice in sorrow sang
Thought I heard a madman crying

#Dark Voice: 
Oh, no, there she comes
Vows to the darkened sun
Armed with weapons and magic spells
Men, you better run
Men, you better run

There at the gate, I wonder
The final hope in these barren lands
Too late I fear
Is it long gone by?

#Manipulative Old Man: 
The Lord, He will come for your souls
For the harvest is rich, seed has grown
The Reaper's surrounded by ghosts
Surrender and die
You'll die

This storm will change it all
A twisted constellation
Behold the Queen and the Prince of the north
Transcending conspiration
When Death and Mars align
Their union seals the fate of man
There at the edge, I stand alone

#Red Dwarf
But now
Since there is everything revealed
I know
Yes, there is no one else
Like me
And I will break free
When everything's lost
There's nothing to fear

#Faith of the Nine
They're invincible creatures
No longer will hunger
Immortalized shadows
Their kingdom will come

#The Crow/The Storm/Joost
Gather up, I'm the storm, I'll bind you
You'll be the flame, I'm the spark
My wayward friends, you must come and find me
In the dark

#Red Dwarf
I have seen everything
Behind my closed doors
Truth, gloom, and doom
Fools and stars
Enslaved but still alive

The righteous, the pure, he must wait
Till his time is at hand
Return to the land of the elder

This storm will change it all
A twisted constellation
Behold the Queen and the Prince of the north
Transcending conspiration
When Death and Mars align
Their union seals the fate of man
There at the edge, I stand alone

#Warning Voice
You're roaming through darkness
Protector of man
Warrior, you better beware

The Great Assault

 "Ever since he crossed the wall, the great assault commenced. The clouds gathered to a black mass, like a foreboding shadow of ultimate defeat. From the North, to the South, company upon company of the foes pressed to the walls. These gaping holes were weakly protected by the valiant Fellowship of the First, hoping for him to return. The final hope, still out of sight..."

Beyond the Wall
((**Beyond the Wall intersects with Sacred Mind and Grand Parade**))

#Harsh Voice: 
There was nothing within these walls
A creature
Climbs down
Beyond the walls
No relief
No relief

Let this story end
Let 'em drown
In endless misery

Where will I go?

Now I know
What I've been

The queen is calling

Come, come along
And break the seventh sign

What am I doing?

Oh, I can read
Between the lines
Where am I going?

#Harsh Voice: 

The enemyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
The enemyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Oh I know
Their time is at hand
For sure
They will follow the plan
Still, I know
Their time is at hand
We build an asylum
Silence everywhere
Time is on my hand
Still their time is at hand
War is the father of man

Rise after the fall
You will not fail anymore
There is honor within
This is what you shall be
We shape a future
We redeem it from sin

Then your deeds are forgiven
Just heed the call
It is one step to heaven
To rejoin with your kin

First in line now
Don't be a fool
Worlds collide
That's why destiny's calling

Beyond the wall
Beyond the wall
Beyond the wall
They stand
Beyond the wall
They're damned

Now take a look at yourself
With your brothers
The rules are changing
What is it
You're longing for?
Is it deliverance?
Come speak the truth
Choice, there's no choice
In dark lands

Beyond the wall
Beyond the wall
Beyond the wall
They stand
Beyond the wall
They're damned

#Harsh voice:
Move on
And take it further
Worlds are falling apart

Your crusade
The strive for our future
There's still belief

#Nine:A foul disease

Victorious archer
Triumph is yours
It shall be

#The Nine:
You true deceiver
Just break the spell
Release us
Repeat the words
Redeem us
You faithful non-believer

Can't deny what I am
Still I long to be
The defender of man
I wait for an answer my friend

Can't find it in science
I don't care
Still their time is at hand
Can feel
Their time is at hand

The battle's won
But will there be peace?

Deep in the shadows of history
I carry on
Free will
I will march on
I carry on
From now on
Released from my destiny
Not chance, nor choice
Won't break the spell
A long-forgotten path

Torn into pieces...
Hold it all back
The sacred heart
Hide your secret well

Torn into pieces
And close the gate

You can't pass, no more
There's no key
And there's no door
Bid farewell
Then with the dark force
You have gathered
Burn in hell

Beyond the wall they stand
Beyond the wall they're damned
Beyond the wall they stand
Beyond the wall they're damned
Beyond the wall they stand
Beyond the wall they're damned
Beyond the wall they stand
Beyond the wall they're damned
Beyond the wall they're damned
Beyond the wall they're damned

A New Beginning

#Manipulative Old Man: 

"Hence home, you fearless warrior, protector of man, get you home, just for awhile. Seek in thyself and everywhere. The seal, it must be broken. Revenge, sweet as it was before, words were grown false as those who mislead us all. But still the sacred heart beats deep within you. Conquest is yours, you are conquest. Go hence- there's time ahead granted, the bonds renewed, extend their suffering. Thou cannot avoid it. "