Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Walking Tours of Yharnam (WIP)

Precursor Author's Note: Images contain what some viewers may consider to be graphic imagery. It is not advised for children or persons that may have sensitive reactions.

Bloodborne is owned by FromSoft.

Further Note: Although beyond this message it will start off as though it is a full accounting, it decidedly is not. I made the mistake of finishing the game with the good player character I had, and have to once again achieve access to many areas to take screenshots for the walking tour and examination of enemies. I apologize for that; if it is revisited and updated, I will inform you if you have an interest, and if it is ever properly completed, I will instead remove the "Work In Progress" tag.

The things beyond will not extend to mercy, but the same need not be said between friends, eh?

Watch, good Hunter. Learn and grow. The Night is long, and dark, and filled with terror.

You will face death and the signs of it everywhere you turn. If it daunts you, you will be lost.

The sun has not yet fully fallen, but already they roam, they rip, they rave, they ravage.

That Man is among their number, even when not twisted and bestial, is a lesson swiftly learned. For though the mobs hunt the Scourge, they are themselves bestial in their effort.

And stained in the gore of the Hunt as you will be, the smell of it, the thick of fury, many will not trust you. Many will despise you. Even those who are not yet damned to madness and mutation will reject you.

You are not their savior, their hero, even their fellow countryman. You are outside, alien, and that is what man fears more than all else.

I will offer you no cold comfort, no false solace, no mien promises. It will be wretched, and you may very well be too. Dire things await ahead, closed beyond many doors and trials, and travesties are woven tightly round the world.

But if you are witty, wicked, and wise, you may yet learn a thing or two. You might put an end to the Hunter's Dream, one way or another. And so I offer you something better than a lie of hope.

If you will learn, I offer you knowledge.

One of your very most common adversaries in this ordeal will be none other than the former humans of this very city, malformed and transformed outright. First their minds, then their bodies, warp and change, twist and turn, until little remains of what once might have been. Paranoia, fanatical extremism, murderous bloodlust, and finally gluttonous hunger mark their form where once reason might have sat.

Hunter, take note. At this stage of corruption from the Beast scourge, the citizen will generally take more on a haggard and lupine appearance. A more significant sign is the distended left arm, which will be notably longer than its counterpart and growing hair.

At this point in the affliction (when not crucified and immolated as here) weak willed victims are at a more advanced stage of mutation. Many retain the awareness of tool usage but lose the ability and desire for human languages. There are several potential products of still further transmogrification into things that scarcely, if at all, resemble their origins. 

The scourge of course did not solely affect the human inhabitants. Although less visibly distorted from less exposure to the Blood, the rabid, filthy remaining animals viciously attack any remaining people who haven't turned, and are extremely hostile to you , good Hunter.

Once partially treated patients, if the surgical wrapping is any indication, trolls are a possible outcome to further development of deviation.Though brutish and hulking, they retain strategy and linguistic ability, as well as at least one case of memories. They prefer large bludgeoning tools and swift smashing to any attempt at civil engagement .

These are far from your only adversaries, however, Good Hunter.

If only!

No; sometimes your fellows are the worse beasts by far after they have fallen.

You'll also encounter the outright alien.

Spirit snakes may hatch clean out of corpses to harm you.

Perhaps by this point in your travels you have come to share the sentiment of the League.

If you would join the twisted revels and dance with the devils in the pale moonlight, come partake, Good Hunter. The blood is waiting. Reach out-

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