Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Monster Hunter Intersections

The porous reality of the Monster Hunter world has curious effects every now and again. They've crossed with Earth in the GMR magazine event, with Metal Gear's world, with Street Fighter and Hello Kitty and many more.  Their armor has made it out as far as Lost Planet 2 and Famitsu. Final Fantasy, Horizon Zero Dawn, and now the Witcher all kiss each other quietly through the Monster Hunter New World. There are so, so many, that instead of telling you, I challenge you to post five you find interesting as a response instead! 

1 comment:

  1. Smash Bros Ultimate features the Rathalos and Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has the Monster Hunter, mixing them into already heavy crossover stews! That's going to to mix things though rather than taking them in, but hey, maybe they'll keep doing both :P
