Saturday, June 2, 2018

Correspondence of a thunderstorm and a ghost

*Color coded for easier reading

Thursday, May 17

I don't think I can do it. Not with so much shit so early. Catch you for the fite and maybe the brawl, but I think I'm quitting. Only going to get madder with nothing to do about it as it goes. Have a nice Season if you can.


Ven, I want to say I am proud you're recognizing things like this instead of gritting teeth or suffering needlessly. I of course would love you to be around, but its because I love you that I want your happiness first and anything else second. You do whatever keeps you happiest and fight the good fight bro

Thursday, May 17

I'll try. It won't surprise you that that same grit your teeth never say die stubbornness is trying to make me reconsider already.

Saturday, May 19

In less pleasant query -no, first, how are you doing, man? But then in original thought, Panda mentioned Punished Shenanigans but not what they were, thinking I might be upset they happened.  Which, fair. But what did THIS one entail?


You know how I be, man. All's good in this hood. I am not sure what 'punished shenanigans' are specifically but maybe a miscommunication happened? Cant think of any punishments lately

Saturday, May 19

Disgruntled Bree and smacked CW Shenanigans were mentioned.


Ahhh. Nothing too big. Cornwind attacked Jabberwock island, a place coowned by chao and bree. Bree wouldnt have approved it but only chao was around to ask and he did. Cornwind said 'if you say it wont happen again, it doesnt' and I tried to briefly emphasize that out-of-narrative justification doesnt fix it and things need to work in universe too. A minor tiff that takes more words to explain than it deserves :p

Saturday, May 19

The pizzaria again, but with different dance partners




You never fought a war, have ya. Casualties happen, and there's a hell of a lot worse a soldier can do to a civvy- and would do before these current times- than kill them by mistake. And, heck, the onus of turning it into a hazard to put down wasn't even on the couple sadsacks that did.

Putting something out of its misery ain't out of league.

I mean, it's like you didn't even have the literal ghost of a superhero giggling at mass arena audience deaths during fites in your crummy little world. Jumpropeman can't be amused.


No joke, I think this might be SK's worst plot. I dont think he had any ideas to back up the big one so its falling short over and over

Saturday, May 19

Think I agree.


Well, I guess he spent all of his Good Plot Points last year on Snowmads :p

Saturday, May 19

He was and is also heavily interlaced with That Guy this year, who seems to be lapping it up and driving it on.


We tried to help him, but he just keeps going back to cornwind...

Saturday, May 19

Yarr. Blarrgh. Well, that aside,  how's it hanging?  You seem to be having a lot of fun subverting Cirno.


I couldn't quite help it. I had to say something.  No doubt that will be redacted and, if you're wise, you'll ban me.


Havent seen objections yet. People pointing out the suddenness and even chao laughing, but nothing bad

Sunday, May 20

Oh, good

Almost always sudden, mind, even with announcements. P:

Just as a note though,  Chao mentioned that it made him laugh instead of being ticked, so I want to remind you the way you did me- you AIN'T  got to grit your teeth and brace your butts if you aren't having fun. You mods especially.  If ya dislike something, say it! Mention it! Stamp it. Or, I mean, hold it in and then leave the good parts behind too, but that's a waste, let me tell you.


Ive said a thing or two and we will see how sk reacts to your post, might get a discussion going. I am mostly hoping he wises up or proves himself soon but if its more of the same, I wont button my lip anymore

Sunday, May 20

Have fun if you can, guys. It's what we're there for. And you especially,  my duderino max.

Tuesday, May 22

Tempted to ask for a return to stage call when [breaking into spirit realms]/[reality ripping] is higher on the fuck it might affect my plots redact it list than [conventional weapons] and [common sense], but I'm sort of afraid that will = [Never]

Chao suggested waiting till the problem children are done with current and see how I feel then, so I'm gonna try.

Whether I do or nooot, if there's money, which of your dudes you want art of? Other dudes get one or two. I'm gonna try to get your list over the next couple years, best man.

Thursday, May 24

Something about forum drama has my Panda miffed. What happened this time?


Cornwind stuff

Thursday, May 24

Shocking. He being leashed yet? Sternly reprimanded for multiple incidents inside days?


Do you really want details? I would prefer not to upset you needlessly, but I will say he got forum warnings, a lot of stern talking tos from me, bree, and chao, and a banthreat from me ive never used on anyone, that being that I could ban him from the brawl if he does not reform

Thursday, May 24

That makes me feel better,  frankly. Diminished sense of injustice and lax handling. Multiple Bans McGee approved this stance to repeated offenses.

But details for what prompted it would be good for reference.


Alright. Without asking brine, cornwind had his new priestess character cast a holy spell towards the vampires while in the bar to see how they react. Naturally, it is freaking lethal and not allowed behavior

Thursday, May 24

*Brine's* vampires?  He's attacking Brine's kids **again**?


Brine might be one of the only people who would just roll with it. He puts up with a lot sadly

Thursday, May 24

He's getting pretty damn fed up, too.


Yeah, ive talked with him about it. He just doesnt bring it up when he should so people have to go to bat for him

Thursday, May 24

Ah, he told you. And Bree was telling me to hush up.

I went and deleted my comments when I should have just Ven vented, like I wanted too. But she pointed out that you would likely be upset, and I don't think you understand how much I cherish your happiness. And both of us upset means neither of us cheer the other up. I mean, Ambur might cheer you up, and Nicole or Chance me, but it seemed wiser to follow her advice. But now, I might as well let it out.

"Say sorry to Brine, and everyone else."
"Sorry Brine."
"And everyone else."
"Sorry, everyone."

And he was so flippant. He said he wanted to lighten up the mood. But when I pointed out that even if randomly attacking someone wasn't bad enough, attacking in the KoB, he was like "Well, now you see that even veterans make mistakes."

I have memory problems, and I know not to attack anyone in the KoB. It's the whole thing.

See, the way everyone else had been, I had thought, given that you have an extreme dislike of some common story tropes (like super strong super powers for doing super stuff), that you reacted to his plot shenanigans worse than others, and you were a bit biased.

But now I see, no, it's not just you disliking his style, or his story goals, it's just him being... uspetting.

The story bullshit is just the only part I observed until now.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I think I'm going to join Jason's superhero RP. It won't matter if he wants to make it all about the powers, because I'm going to make it about my character, for me.

-Panda chat 


Yeah, a shame panda saw us like that but her fresh perspective is pretty useful and might be good for bree to hear too. As for telling you, I tried to package it right and I have the most complete moderation side so I thought it was the best way to hand it to you

Thursday, May 24

As me, not Panda, he is part of the reason I've come to despise private messages and deals. I tried many times to help him reach a point people would enjoy instead of take grievances with, especially for how much I hated some of the states and proposals. None of it can be proven, and in the case of things like off forum canon instead,  no one will care.

I have been as tolerant as I humanly could be.

I am sad this happened again to ya'll, but I'm kinda proud of Panda. She handled it much better than I would have. 

Probably waaaay too late for it now, especially given his plot ending declaration, but if I were to advise Del in a not-done-with-it state, two main things. One, centralizing makes you a target that can realistically be destroyed.  You can't kill Walmart with a nuke because they're everywhere.  Second, more important,  don't write "I'm important " .You're role playing a corporation in a new land. Charm people. Ingratiate and integrate yourself. Sell Weyland's use, not their aggression. 

Make it emotionally and fiscally hard to hit them.

Really not mad about the redaction, either, though it does annoy what relative circumstances sometimes do or don't merit one. P: I would infinitely prefer it to be a lesson point if anything - I showed a weakness in the plot, fix for it and make it better.

Suppose for a third, since it is apparently very necessary,  don't make cornwind attacks the main meat of what goes on with your plot. Not just Del. Every butt.


I cantpretend to understand the mindset when it so often leads to people unhappy with the result

Working on tomorrows game hoard review, gonna work on a fite after if not too sleepy

Friday, May 25

I would love if it was noted on my record that I try to accept and tolerate,  but my vitriol is likely more notable. We used to joke about maiming Superman and seeing what plots might emerge.  Still wear the supershirts you lent me, in case you wondered if I burned them or something.  Still join RPs at request like the Bree and Harps one.. pB But corr if the saturation, shoving, and devotion from that one corner doesn't set off the negative something fierce. Especially when, like, I'll wait nine months on a promised post and it'll be fucking "Let's date", but ya tell them you don't like comics and get streams of nine page essays unasked and unwanted .

If I can convince her to try the expedition despite shy, recent events,  M Sheepian time worries, and the lack of me, would you leave the likes of Goops' blubber arcade and bakery landlubbers to go questing the sea and jungles with her?


I dont really have a character who would be interested or willing to devote the time though

Friday, May 25

That is a sorrow, but I be gone anyhow. How the setting is used ain't supposed to be my concern despite still perking in now and again. Figured I'd ask. 


My plot will involve island exploration but its postbrawl of course

Friday, May 25

Hope for your sake there is still a crew postbrawl. Been a pretty bad time in month uno. Two to go till then and five more yet in all.

Right, so that's one potential newfolk story and one old old folk grief. How's Manga settling in? Spy doing alright? Ever hear from DMG? Did Hanz vanish again? 


Manga's too busy, hanz hasnt been around lately, dmg popped in saying he will be too busy as well, and spy is good, he's plotting tomorrow

Friday, May 25

Nuts. Did wonder what different thought might conjure up in the mixes.

Meh. Catch any good music lately?


There's this new hit ditty called 10 Hour Long Dentist Drill

Friday, May 25

Ain't heard nor had such

But stars and guts and garters, mang, he actually graduated to self worship posts in the literal fashion. Or at least here is the pope that is my MC's mom and also he killed god and wrote a religion,  now several hundred earth islanders are converts.

Yet, as disgusted and annoyed as things leave, I still kind of want to come back for stuff like Sheep's or guys like you.

Figure you're probably both too loyal and too busy to jump ship if I just made an adult forum for the kinds of things Brine and I can't do here, violence or plot wise, though.


There are far too many people I like here to leave it behind on account of a few bad eggs and content issues. The busy part is true too though. I like to hope one day things will be sorted enough to not worry anymore, but for now, I write fites and enjoy the rp I do

Friday, May 25

Odd, that. Got about the mental equivalence of your physical one to those bad eggs 

I expect we'll likely talk of it again come the next blowout and friend sorrow, barring the Fite coming first, and then that. Forget the place f now, though.

Saturday,  May 26

The beginnings are up, and two gargantuan middle fingers extended to any personage that might deem looking through the setting these people supposedly came for out of place while the otherworlds run rampant.


Veeeeeeen no passive aggressivebites! Youre supposed to be taking time away to get betterrrrrrrrr

Saturday, May 26

There is no getting better. There is only war or silence. 

Make any excuse you care to, there will be no peace while I'm being stifled for what I want to tell and made to swallow fuckers in the midst of a twelve year old's fanfic fantasies. Some of them bloody plagiarized word for word. Shouted down at objections and erased at inconvenience is  what I have of your "peace" and something I ain't coming back for. Grind the noses of the ones that piss off their readers for a lovely change, would ya?

What you call passive aggressive bite is acknowledging the world you are allowing to be written.  Now you have to live in it. 

Reply :

It is not the objection I object to, but the method. Passive aggressive sniping is a no-no, we have a topic you can bring it up in. Bree and I just finished calmly discussing the priestess character and my problems with her. You told me of your issues but im not the channel to fixing things until I do my work, and im not as fast as I wish I could be 

Saturday, may 26



That's what this is about?

I realize that you may have trouble believing it, but that actually wasn't a shot. The monster situation was a very actively aggressive one, but the false prophet business was just plain a warning.

Don't trust internet strangers and snake oil salesmen.

Still mad, but that at least is darkly amusing.

If peace were made, how precisely does one protest? Telling them you hate it to their face has been largely disabled. Telling them via text and content is largely disabled.  You can't stop them from or ask that it stop being made. Moderators, if sympathetic and if persuaded,  *might* do something in an unknown time quantity, the action to be determined then if any. 


Concept: Post in rp discussion these words. 'Cornwind's priestess character does something I do not like. She is getting followers with no reason besides dice rolls. He should write convincingly, not take shortcuts.' discuss from there. It doesnt need to be complicated and it doesnt have to be this example, but you can just neutrally SAY things. Also, seems you already know, but a ban is up. Please, please do something to make you happy. This isnt it at the moment

Saturday, may 26

And may never be again,  frankly.


Ive said it before. I love you and want you to be happy, and sometimes that involves slapping you away from poisoned chocolate even if it looks really tasty

Saturday, may 26

Done waiting years for promised change and watch and growth.

There will be a continued chatzy aversion, of course, wanting nothing to do with most in that context and only a couple outside it. Maybe you can manage neutral, but I cannot.


Alright man. Sorry this... Well, THIS is a good way of stating it succinctly

Saturday,  may 26

You, at least, apologize.  Some of them will never so much as suspect a need to, and others will sneer at you and laugh as they do. 

I accept your apology, and go the further step of offering forgiveness, alongside my own; but until *something* is fixed, root cause, player, or solutions available, I will not return to bear grief and grievances. 

Hell, to some, I'm probably the monster right now.


I would say you have been and always will be my friend, but I dont want it to be deeply ironic when you stab me through the chest with your lightsaber

Saturday, may 26

Isn't that a Spock line, though?


Thats what makes it even more ironic. It wasnt even the right franchise. The betrayal stings even harsher when inccurate

Saturday, may 26

Never did let go of being effete to deal with some cases because people were tired and inclined to neutral to get it over with faster, but you aren't the one I want to stab, nay.


I am glad I am on the do not stab list =D

Saturday, may 26

Honestly, despite my hot blood, the majority of your friends aren't,  and a couple are negotiable. Kneecap or hand instead of appendix. But I am 95% certain being around them might still make me lash out, and they don't deserve that. The ones that do deserve it, well, I wouldn't get far before I was banned there too anyway. 

Sidebar: while the priest was again an honest coincidence, there was a second very deliberate shot at a very deliberate favoritism and choice of plot, ie Owen goin "who the fuck wants to be cooped up in a city" etc. It was , again, far from subtle, barring ignoring or forgetting past discussion. 

A man should be able to acknowledge his sins, I reckon.


Methodology is your biggest sin. Intent to make things better is not the crime, yeah, but thank you for recogniING SOME OF IT ACCIDENTAL CAPS LOCK AAAAAAAH

Saturday, may 26


True enough. I trend towards boot camp, work and smash it till it gets better than it was, break the cycles,  but soft touch likely works better on them. I ain't got one of those. 

Snapping the neck of the crippled bird is mercy to one eye and murder to another. 


RP Coach program has been approved, but we will see the results only in time

Saturday, may 26

Good luckkk

Make a world you want to live in. Don't get coerced into reenacting a comic book or file anger at pregnant people in danger under a means that can be termed "whining" instead of "rightful indignation". Enjoy the setting you came for and the friends you made there.

Did I ever remember to give you the roach one?


The word roach brings many things to mind: cockroaches, blunts, geralt's horse... But not what you refer to

Saturday, may 26

Nay. The man eating ones in Vegas. That was ripped from the Exterminators. I, at the time trying to be a tolerant person and a decent partner, despite indications already he gave no true fucks, not only allowed it knowingly but enabled and helped. Despite my distaste for the genre. 

A few variables were changed to fit, but otherwise, by and large, straight rip for rip.

Have it on the PC files somewhere. 


I knew it was from something yeah. That is my default assumption and most often proven correct

Saturday, may 26

And I try
Oh my god do I try 

[s]I said hey, what's going on [/s]

With how that faith and effort was rewarded, I steadily slipped to the opposite end of the spectrum, where DISABLE  is the main desire and the button pushed as fast as possible when other people's  groans start. 

This has not been taken well, however.

[/things you've been aware of

If you were to give someone a story summary of Demon Souls,  how would you tell your character's story?

Reply :

Stopped when I hit firelurker :V

Saturday,  May 26



Yeah, it was more I hit a roadblock and then rp got busy and never went back

Saturday,  may 26

Busy RP is a concern we noted. I was actually thinking something neat but short like Reigns or The Yawhg, which concept I used briefly as a Bad Thing that didn't happen. 

Despite being the game's namesake, The Yawhg doesn't actually get much depiction, which left room to explore origins and effects- much of the game is instead about your characters and the wonderfully weird world they live in, not the warping magic storm.


.Ive seen short videos on it here and there, never pulled the trigger. Might get it during the summer sale whenever that is

Saturday,  May 26

Might get it for you if I do have you do it, again 

Probably a lot cheaper than the dlc, honest

If they aren't just cutting the servers entirely,  I did wonder about the new Battlefront, now that the controversies had been weeded.

That might be some pennies more.


One thing I had been was during zfrp offseason I might get a 6 mont gamefly account so I can rent titles like the new battlefront

Saturday,  May 26

What if we do fire emblem warriors and have you hang out with ben for your job?

Mmm. We did discard objectively never concluding, or I might have thrown the free text browser game Fallen London on there.

Reply :

Well maybe sunless sea someday? Or that other game set there that came out more recently

Saturday,  may 26

Yeah, those might do. SS is hard,  mind you. 

Entertaining,  but harsh and unforgiving. 


Hey, entertainment is always paramount for me. Could be easy, hard, permissive, cruel... Just as long as the experience is better for it

Sunday, may 27

How do you feel about smashed potatoes?


Dont like potatoes. I do like french fries and potato chips but not any other potato forms

Sunday, May 27

Oi sees

I have what might be a hard favor to ask you, but I'll try anyway.  

Don't feel bad about this sequence of events. I asked you for the ban and warned you, and I sinned in my fair stead. Let it make you resolved instead. If something is deserved, steel yourself and do it.

And if someone is being driven to misery, more importantly,  don't let the law of tolerance stop you looking into why, however comfortable or numb some parties would prefer to be. Don't let it get to bitterness and honest hate from grumbling, and especially from the lack of ability to grumble.


This might have been the bandaid we had to yank off to get things going.  Bree is already bringing up other ideas for the forum and RP Coach might be broadened to everyone to discourage grudging silence, but we will see if it works at all first before becoming ambitious

Sunday, may 27

And also the obligatory fuck you repeat offender kids and never going back, but that was inferred.  Maybe the effort to put up with it will be worth it if they change, but I doubt it will.

I tell you the truth, you will hear no contrition from me, nor any smattering of pretense at goodwill, for those cases, until or unless they learn and change how they earned these barbs. I took what I could take and I expressed myself thereafter.  

If you ever chance to find out where Aniara went, do send a link, please. She understood. 

I will see you later, Chris, and as best can be, with other and less rotten topics of discussion.  As for Zoofights, its content, and its previous management thereof, Denethor offered an interesting quote in that regard- "go now, and die in what way seems best to you." 


We shall talk of better things, of shoes, and ships, and sealin wax... Of cabbages and kings!

Sunday,  may 27

Carroll certainly would make for a couple of nice ones, aye.


I've got complete works of carroll on my shelf. I may not read books as often as I should, but I make sure the good stuff is an arm's reach away if im tempted

Sunday, may 27

Can I turn a patreon game into a book read and review 


No, but there are visual novels and the like :p maybe ipad has a popup book like adaptation we can cheat with...

Sunday, may 27

Maaaaaybe. I have time to look into this  ... but biking home now.

((On Steam: You had best tell them to extend that ban. In the mood I'm in, I'm liable to delete the account so they feel the same grief ))

Sunday, may 27

Can you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men

It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again


When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums. Theres a life about to start when tomorrow comes!

Sunday, may 27

O my friends, my friends, 
Don't ask me

What your sacrifice was for

Empty chairs at empty tables

Where my friends will sit no more

Slowly drawing up a rule list for Black Roads And Byways. When I have it written down I may send it your way for a lookover.


Perhaps I missed something. Blackroads and Byways? Sounds deliberately like D&D perhaps?

Sunday, may 27

Making a story oriented forum.

Somewhat grimmer than following the exalted adventures of drunk tourists vaguely associated with but not making mutant fighting tournaments,  but in the Mass Effect sense, preferably.  Lived in worlds with happiness as well as sad stories. The actual planned initial setting is somewhat closer to Fallen London or the Witcher, a murky place of secrets and callous surviving. 

Meant to appeal to fans of outer rim things like Firefly or the aforementioned.

There will be some very definite content restrictions, but I also want to make the world loose enough Brine or someone could feel comfortable making their own scrappy scrapper or smuggler without fear.


I would reccomend waiting on launching it a bit. You should be in the right state of mind, and bitterness is a poor foundation. Let it grow when its ready rather than being a parting salvo to separate yourself from zfrp

After all, some people made a whole forum to spite Mr Walrus and it died for being designed around what it wasnt rather than what it could be

Sunday,  may 27

I've had a good, long while to think about it.  I quit the nineteen on paper and was properly banned the twenty fifth, but I've been out weeks before. The way of things was entirely clear by "convenience" redaction while the grumble plots plodded on. Not by any stretch solely my grumbles at that. If it fails, it fails,  but I'll at least be trying something. 

Make as many tar effigies and monster depictions as may be liked or wanted of me. Madman and unsociable hermit with a grudge list,  I'm sure I'll give appropriate cause enough to let the townsfolk sleep at night. Long as their own sins and biases and contents get fixed up more eventually,  I really can't afford to care more or less. 


Part of your ban has been me alerting people that your content will be treated with respect. We wont pretend you didnt exist and we wont villify you. Also, I intend to send you collin vs myra when its done

Sunday, may 27

Thank you. 

A last well wish at you lot before we get back to the more pleasant topic of building and alternative life- if you get,  and keep, new recruits, may they be creative, personable, and have high tolerance.  I don't mean my yearly flareup after sucking months, and definitely not the likes of Del's quit Kill La Kill condemnation after two episodes (though that might be useful turned to things deserving it), proper forgiveness for all and sundry.

The notion of copy pasting Rivendell's text description at you about three times a day in full for two months did occur as a stress tester for similar content preference swallowing with disliked,  buuut I also kinda don't want to drive you to friendship ending explosion. 


8I sounds like you made the right call, although like many things, my issues with that have been overblown for humor's sake

Sunday, may 27
Mine own were not, sadly. 

Monday, may 28

After glancing at youtube, you appear to have found a dead frog croaking in part of the Produce section of work. 


Quite some pipes on that frog. Would he happen to be named Michigan?

Monday, may 28



I am not allowed to admit I liked that pun

Monday, May 28

I am not allowed to admit that I treasured that compliment. Self depreciation contract. But I will imply it, and maybe send a thanks by mail.

Sabriel and the Abhorsen series in general are going to be a strong influence in the foundation and vibe if the project does get going. 

It's hot enough to make me regret my beard for once

Are you just, like, dead, master wookiee


Im in a room with a fan full blast, although if I turn it off id die

Monday,  may 28

I believe it

Would it be off to bring Nuclear War to Panda's party?


Au contraire, thats probably a great idea!

Monday, may 28

She enjoyed it well enough at the Corps too. Alrighty then! Probably need to reteach it though

Maybe you could teach her zelda munchkin too if we have time

Ten hour shift continues 

Memorial day hours start at 430 pm

I may just sleep here


Mamma mia, good luck man. May our brave boys come home safe

[During shift]
Wake up! Pandas are worried! Chrises are too! Work is a thing! 

Monday, may 28

Home is an interesting choice of words in the ban post. Daresay it reflected mine well enough, leaving. Invested trusts betrayed,  people hiding from confrontation with abusive people hurting them,  neglect and skewed perceptions of reality that errant erratic decisions would be fine instead of causing distress, incessant drivel and prized adulation of things you despise, coming to the door with a naked sword because your relationship with someone has been so twisted that you only wish them harm, the inability to receive anywhere near as much emotional input as you try to put in, the kicks in the teeth instead of hugs when you're hurting. I daresay it would be.


Did you make it to work boyo?

Monday, May 28

I died on the way.  I'm haunting you first,  then the bars.

Yes, I did, more seriously.  Though I may disappoint her when I get back. This is a drink, stare at the ceiling trying again to convince yourself the brief glimpses of the people that love you are worth staying alive in this rotten world, drink again day.

Heading back to the apartment,  rethinking the booze. Tell me about what the quiet means, I suppose. Is it a pained but abiding silence like Brine? Is it a seething like my own ? Is it companionable empathy that isn't quite able to sympathize? Heartfelt rejection for the love of something, or the firm desire to see the better sides of things? Does it infer belief I can't make rational analysis and perception, and you mean to wait out the bitterness, or that you believe, but for good or ill can't or won't reply? Hell, does it just plain mean you are too busy to?

I never can quite read it. 


Right now im at ben's place, but glad to hear youre rethinking the booze. Sometimes im busy with this or that or just dont know what to say

Tuesday,  May 29


You and Bree left the August peace treaty conversation on Discord, but can you still access it? There are some items both of us broke well before November. Which it would help to have in recorded form as opposed to testimonials of a bitter madman.


Id prefer preventing future mistakes than drudging up old ones like we're making some sort of legal case

Tuesday,  may 29

That is in fact the demeanor I come to expect of doing things and why I would rather sink the ship than see the exact same ones played out repeatedly when the past and learning from it mean nothing next to sparing the party feelings. If the party is seemingly innocuous, at least. 

"If he breaks that trust, then we will be punitive," said pastropeman. 

"On a side note, I planned to do one more attack on Scylla, MAYBE two, and then something would have happened to render that threat inert. Considering feelings, the second attack doesn't even have to involve Scylla at all, ie an interception" said past Cornwind, before once again falling in love with his villain, meta mind wiping the playing field, and setting up shop as grandiose plot villain island assault machine after a long and drawn out offseason.

"Well, first off, I still extend that offer I made in the chat. If you don't want to do something,  just say so. And if you don't like how it turned out,  say so and we can change or delete it", came the first offer, then, "just say no", which lasted an astounding tiny time before we got to ignoring it again and angry responses. 

No, don't invade the SCP in September.  No. Harps and I are both telling you not to do this. No. Oh, despair cycle lamentation. Oh, angry writing with the literal spirit of the law strangling your character after the misused  because I've had it. 

Old friend, you call me bully, and perhaps rightly, but I name you oath breaker and knowing enabler in return. I cannot trust *you*, even. No matter how many times I try or want to.

And it can never be home, no matter how much I want to love you.

The fairly scathing indictment of the memory and resultant post in return were perhaps the easier way of seeing peace wasn't working as best planned or hoped. Then came a long, long period of trials and disagreements just between persons in the off. 


I dont know how many times I need to acknowledge I fucked up to get it through that I know I fucked up, so here it is once more: I fucked up

Tuesday, May 29

You have. I have not had the opportunity or inclination to see how the current fix attempts are going, but the tone is the same as it was, therein the fear that you might Still Be 

Moreover,  you are the only one to have done so, and in private at that, while the public face demonized the responses gendered only after a Very, Very Long Time waiting on the system, demanding neutrality at that. 

And yet, even rationally knowing all that, even with irrational mental issues, even with as much anger as there is, if I hadn't forced your hand to keep me away,  I would still be crawling back to try to be with you again left to my own weak volition. I brought my friends there, I brought my *girlfriend * there, because it had you and Brine and Sheep. Because I do want to believe in it, even if I can't and won't do so blindly, and because I fucking love you, man. 

So I had to be vile enough you stopped me. 


I know its gonna take a while to fully let it sink in, but the sooner we can move on the better. We're circling a drain of bad vibes as long as we dwell 

on things

Tuesday, May 29

That is true. 

And sorry.

I suppose I just need to feel,  or at least pretend,  that someone knows the real score. 8r Even if it's someone who knows the song and dance too well. 

I am genuinely sorry, Chris. 

You, ah, got any gift ideas for Panda? I was gonna get her Shadows of Valentia myself. 


It bothers me more that it bothers you (as it rightly should of course), hence why I would like you to feel better as soon as possible

Not really. Money situation is tight but I might get her something small. She have steam?

Tuesday, May 29

She does!


That would make things oodles easier :p

Tuesday, may 29

Oodles and noodles and doodles easier?

Reply :

Oodles and oodles of Os you know

Tuesday,  may 29

There is another matter to apologize for.  I expect your week clock went awry a bit with Tuesdays ceasing to have meaningful relevancy.  Sorry, my duuude

Hope you find another marker 


I will be adrift, relying only one the idea that sleep means days pass...

Tuesday, may 29

What have I DONE



We were asking the wrong questions all along

The real one, the only one we overlooked,  the one that might have changed everything that came after it

Do you know the muffin man?

So if I know, you lot have probably known for weeks, but Bethesda might be up to something. 


Just saw that today actually, who knows what lies ahead *mystery hands*

Wednesday, May 30

How do you feel about fritters?

And/or the collected works of Emily Caroll?


No to the fritters, and I cant say anything on th e other :V

Wednesday,  may 30

Surreal, subdued horror comics. (Shush) You might like them. Heavy emphasis on atmosphere and story overall. Think she even has a couple of them free on one of her websites. I'd highly recommend "His face all red".

I believe I already inquired, but just in case again, when I get done writing up basic rules and etiquette, would you be willing to do me the favor of translating it in a parlance that those inclined to more basic understanding can read it well?


Possibly. But right now.... FALLOUT 76 BOYYYYYYYY

Wednesday,  May 30

It's a thing. 

Having trouble getting hype for it, but it's a thing.

Reply :

Yeah, not much to cling to yet

Wednesday, may  30

What guesswork there is has been a bit of a turnoff too. 

You remember how you bought into this series hard for changing dramatic stories, breaking gear, struggle, and depth?

Have an online survival game, if the Kotaku nerds are remotely close. 

I can hope they aren't,  but Geralt is in Soul Calibur, and my tastes do not align with society by all reference that comes to mind.

On the other end of hope and expectations in the industry,  God of War is closer to myth this time. There are some bad alterations still, but some were told reasonably accurately.  

Might even get it despite all.


I think some behind the scenes revealed they did a ton more research this time around

Wednesday,  May 30

I've actually been watching myth channels they paid to promote telling the actual events.

It made me respect their aims and forgive them considerably more.


I saw some of those myself :v

Wednesday,  may 30

It's a very positive step and it makes me happier it occurred, as well as some of the interest generated because of it.

Thursday, May 31

If you will forgive me what is meant as self analysis but might read as deprecation, I think Panda might be right. She described me once as an electric personality.  But she meant it to be a compliment. Someone that energizes and attracts people, a charisma. I think the negative connotations are more true to life. In of shocking people, burning them out, slow friction ionization forming thunder and sudden strikes over time.

And, of course,  you don't try to hug elemental forces if you have any degree of sanity.


Thats why I wear rubber

Friday, June 1

I could use a few, then. You know your stoic face has worn off when your fellow employees ask you at various points all month why you're depressed and what's wrong.

Or, lacking for platitudes, cold comforts, actual comforts, or your more customary witticism, I will accept words of blame, disagreement,  or anger in their stead over the quiet. Little point to corresponding else.


Sorry, playing games for the game hoard

Friday, June 1

Ah. Be well, then. Good fortune and fun in the endeavor to you and your work.

Oo, you did LAIR. Wondered about that one.


I thought it would be a game you'd want to hear about, even if the results arent the best. Other news though: I intend to draw collin tonight so I will be sending him your way eventually

Friday,  June 1

Oh my

You wanna do it on the discord, or deviant, or should Nidhoggr drag his self back into the Yggdrasil he bit, or...


Probably discord, whenever its done I will toss it at you there

Friday, June 1

That's one hoard commented on, now just two hundred to g...oooo....


At least I wont be alone in this massive pile of games. I shall have to find a dragon game worthy of sitting atop the hoard some day

Friday, june 1

One daaaay

As fond as I am of them, I can't think of any particular specifically dragon oriented games I would put at the top. Maaaybe 'including', and Dragon Age Origins or Dragon's Dogma or Dragon Commander might make it a decent way if so, but most of the Strictly Abouts I imagine about halfway up, at best.

Spoilers, despite the names, they are mostly not about dragons. (Please don't stab me for spoilers.)


Ive got a question. You remember Resistance Fall of Man? What did you think of it

Friday, June 1

I remember being interested in the story but confused about some of the plot leaps, and also that Ben was excellent at cheesing multiplayer.

6, 7/ 10 game with pals.

No idea solo.

Is this how you're coming out about being a part chimeric savior of the british race


Blagarrrggggagagrgrggrl... I mean... No, but I think those chimera are fine blokes who just deserve a second chance and easy access to our breathing tracts

Friday, June 1

Stars are nice out right now. Got a lunar coronal rainbow going on the full moon too.


You can see the stars? Over here its usually a black dome at night

Friday,  June 1

There are some advantages to dimly lit highways, although there's a lot less than I expect there would be somewhere without light pollution entirely.

Still get a few constellations and dots, though. 

Sadly, as comforting as they are, apartment's in space are pricey. Sky high, if you will.



Friday, June 1

Pun-ishingly expensive 

Reply :

I sent you something on dicord boyo

Friday, june 1



What is this power

Okay, lemme look.

On the next portion of our examination,  fears.

Goops' fear was the new and demanding,  leaving his old comfort zone and having to answer to something different.  He expressed it at some length on the blog "A bitter cup of words", the only one I kept up besides ethics consideration and Brine's collabs on Brine's request. That the comfort zone did not actually exist is notwithstanding to the friends pretending to be things dream, as deep as some sores already ran.

Chao's fear was losing things again, a fear played to by the threat of disorder and deletion. Although in a very different source, he also wanted to keep affairs recognizable. 

Your fear, if past talks with Bree are any source of truth, was challenging me and being left alone thereafter. Losing, she said. 

And mine? You've seen reactions to mine in person, actually. There have been enough Zelda munchkins even in a safe and loving setting where it got to me. 

I do not mind losing and struggle, but to be stripped and clawless makes me unable to function well at all. Death is preferable to sitting naked with an enemy with an advantage. I need to fight back, stifled quiet goes against my very soul. 

I hope, if we start doing offhand RP like the Peregrine of old again,  that you will reserve such words as "whining", "put up with it", and "sniping" for the irritated but neutral parties.

There's always awkward quiet and slowly making you wish you *wouldn't* hear from me again, of course, but I imagine it would be preferable to rebuild the good feelings to our friendship with the continuing sack of sorrows coming closer to being drained. I don't expect you're the one I had to convince that there were Reasons anyway, barring the post being your true and unpoliticized feelings.


Can you elucidate on my fear? Bree doesnt seem to know what you mean and I would like to improve on it if I can

Friday, june 1

I could give you her direct quote if I hadn't closed that conversation on Discord, but the general gist seemed to be you being afraid of talking to me on some things, even if you wanted to.

It was close to the start of the year, if she still has it.


Ahhh... Yeah, fair enough. Some things I didnt want to upset you by mentioning, there was the long silence on my lysias thoughts partly because he was your friend, so on, so on.... Well I dont feel too bad about wanting to keep you happy and my friend? :v

Friday,  June 1

I have trouble imagining why some days, but nay. I just fear to stifle you if you have something you need to say you're repressing. Your base desires are positive. 

I do have my doubts. Not for the necessity or the roles parties played, or many part complicated blame, a share my own. But as you said,  my delivery leaves something to be desired. I am too close to it, and at the time, too convinced that the channels wouldn't work. In part because of how the comics business went down, tolerance and enabling to bargaining to moderation to limiting to plain out hate and leaving, and in part from the reactions of Goops and others -to- that attenpt at neutral posting in the past, although to be fair, Bree did get on him for that.

What I did was not The Right Thing to make me or anyone else happy,  though it might be to ensure cutting the cycles.

Million dollar question : what do YOU think I should have done? 


Well, I cant be you, and much of my advice comes from my understanding of the world. I can understand rage and anger but I can only propose counters to it and hope one sticks. I never gave bad advice on purpose so... Here we are I guess

Friday, June 1

The upside of the long view is knowing what you did and what happened,  but the downside is increasingly diminishing returns on possibilities and a fresher sense of past affairs than short views. This in turn is seen as not letting go, rather than waiting for a fix. P:

Almost thought lampooning would be viable as a means to get irritation out while engendering better feeling, though I did tell you if you were wise you work ban me on the first occasion. The second was the last and, curiously enough, on a coincidental object rather than the actual claw.

Placed in the position as yourself of having been aggravated for some months, stripped of direct recourse, with objects made sacrosanct and undebatable that you are simply Not Allowed To Hate,  with your friends increasingly annoyed at them as well and in some cases directly hurt, alongside recurring issues promised to be attended to, in a system that failed you before,  and then your own work suddenly taking a non existence either in perception or in reality, I imagine that you would be a little strained.

Place that on top of a negative balance from lack of pay and betrayal, but then have still more reminders lumped atop it. 

I picked 'try to go silent into that dark night this time', botched it, and swung an ax at the world tree to scare chains and changes.

But what would you as you have tried?

Bear in mind, no matter what you do, you will be the one at fault, and it's exceedingly unlikely any of your reasons are made any more public than you expressed them in this scenario.  All the advice and demands will focus on your own part. There may be no one in the right, but someone has to be in the wrong.


I expect there is no response to this that could be satisfying, even if I had one

Friday , June 1

I don't believe so either, home dog mcskilletbiscuit or whatever people say. Might still copy some of the stuff on a blog sometime. Get unsubs and deeper hate, or, alternatively, so modicum of understanding. 

Have a care, little frogs. There are monsters who pretend to follow your wishes, all the while bringing simmering with them. If you play at comfort without watching, you will be burnt yet again, scalded and cooked. If kicking the pot is the way to wake you to your peril, I accept your wrath for it. Just watch the water, and be safe.

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