Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In closing

To be, perhaps for a change, straight to the point and without obtuse verbiage or confusing direction- or at least in attempt- a forward letter to whom it may concern, if it does at all:

When a man can willfully attempt to buy silence and encourages omission, he is no innocent party unaware of his actions, and particularly not if he arranges such before attempting an act. He is a mediated, and occasionally premeditated, agitator and a grievance to his fellows.

When such a man is protected to all extents and negligent care is taken to his victims and associates, it is a poor governing party that does so, and a terrible friend. Bullies and anarchists flourish in lax environs, as do spiders, traitors, and unfortunate extensions of ever growing ill will.

When the same party unwilling to broach a treatment from laxity or an obligatory sensation of 'necessary' kindness is fully willing and capable of endorsing harder punishments at will, if not even arbitrarily, upon other parties, the system is not merely deeply flawed, but out and out offensive, and a source for anarchy if partisans ever wake to it.

In such a system, where the one can be excommunicated temporarily or permanently for conversation and the other forgiven fully for torture and murder, there is no healthy community or safeguard of goodwill to the citizens at large. There is rank entitlement and a sorry endeavor to keep away discipline, perhaps wrongfully thinking it harm, but there is no peace, nor justice, only tolerance. And tolerance grows strained. Tolerance grows bitter.

Bitterness kills bonds, fractures systems, distances friends and relations, destroys partnerships.

The shielding of a monster is a toxin that will eat the heart of every man, woman, and idealist that looks at their actions later- so, of course, the easiest way to pretend that things are quite alright is to utterly refuse to do so. And refuse further, strongly, to admit change to them, or punishment for hinder deeds. But it will only ever embed it deeper. Stronger.

I do not have to deal with it further. I am free, by my own insistence and your actions in response. At last, I am free, of a truly bitter pill to swallow these many years and many, many sentences on my own head later while watching slime crawl free and easy amid tearful complaint elsewhere.

You, sadly, still must deal with it. Are dealing with it. In all likelihood, will continue to have to deal with it, as long as ardent defenders and white knights are still more devoted to pretense than order. Certainly there are far more active protests against devising and implementing punishment in the category of the schemer than to an anarchist raging in the face of a governing body whose promises were broken and whose personal loyalties are at best suspect when placed against the actual body of harm at hand.

Barring the chance of convincing revisions of priorities or perspective, all one can do is wish you good luck and happier trails, and encourage taking notes of when- and who- shuts down attempts to better the place. 

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